Christmas Presents!

mommy sex PatriciaMy little ones are so very excited about Christmas! They are thinking of all the new toys and goodies they are gonna get. I had each of my little ones write a letter to Santa asking for their favorite toys. My youngest Ariel wrote the sweetest little letter to Santa! Instead of toys and candy she asked for a new DILDO just like mommy’s! I was so very proud of her! I picked out the sweetest strap on for her! Wait till she unwraps it. It is a strap on but it has a dildo that vibrates on her end. She is just going to love it! I can’t wait for her to unwrap her present… Now all I have to decide is who will be the first to see her slip that dildo in her young pussy! Who will be the first to feel her fucking them with her new strap on???? Any takers?

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