Daddy was a VERY bad boy

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Thanks to Daddy’s sneaky and pathetic behavior everyone at work knows about his teenie weenie. He has no one to blame for his most recent humiliation, but himself. He was spending hours on the computer after work instead of playing with his little Princess. I knew he was up to something so I decided to investigate. Too bad for Daddy because I found out about all his dirty secrets! It was fun sneaking around, I  really liked playing detective and I’m sure now Daddy will think twice before he thinks about hiding something from his Princess again.

Apparently, my silly Daddy made a bunch of fake profiles for himself. A few were on dating websites and some were just social. I was a little shocked that he lied about everything…even the pictures were fake! I had to spend an entire afternoon looking through all the messages for each profile and never stopped laughing. I almost felt sorry for him, ALMOST hahaha. He wasn’t just lying to impress girls, he was lying to boys too. In all his profiles he was a big, strong man with a massive and very thick cock who got plenty of action. OMG what a loser, right?! That isn’t even close to being the truth!

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When Daddy got home I made him update every profile until they were honest. Then, I made him send messages to every person he lied to. Anyone he sent fake dick pictures too got real ones and I’m sure it made them laugh too because I was actually in pain from laughing too much! I bet Daddy was the only one who didn’t think any of it was funny. I plan to tease him about this for years and years and years, maybe even forever!!!!!
After Daddy fixed every blog I sent him to his cage to go to bed. He may have been asleep, but I was just getting started. It took less than 30 minutes to forward EVERYTHING to his co-worker’s emails. The profiles, the apologies, and the pictures…literally EVERYTHING. His boss was kind enough to keep Daddy’s little dickie a secret, but I’m not! My cruelty paid off too, I’ve never seen Daddy look so ashamed. The poor baby even had to leave work early, he was that embarrassed. He probably thought I’d be home waiting for him, but I was actually hiding his boss’s office! I wanted to watch Daddy’s painful humiliation while I took Mr. N’s gigantic cock for another ride. It was so amazing, I LOVED every minute of it. My cunny got so wet and slippery that Mr. N might need a new chair. Hopefully, he’ll make Daddy pay for it if he does…
I’m such a mean girl, I should be thanking Daddy for the best day ever. After all, none of it would have been possible if he wasn’t so pathetic

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