Mommy phone sex with Kathy

Mommy phone sex Kathy   Now that Halloween is over I am so sad. I have always loved Halloween. I love to be scared!!! I loved to be scared just as much as I love to be fucked! This year was just like any other year, took the little brats trick-or-treating, found a clown and fucked him.. but I also had him fuck my brats. 

I hate clowns, and I like for the one I find to pretend like he is hunting me down and taking advantage of us. I love that!! We went to the corn maze this year and I had him pick us off one by one and tie us up and put us in his car. 

He blindfolded us and had us tied up and he took us to a barn he had on his property. That is where he took the blind folds off and he made me watch as he fucked each of my little ones. 

I was so proud of how they each took him in and made him cum each time. I had taught them well..

Then it was mommies turn.. Even tho I knew who he was, I couldn’t get past the clown make-up. I was honestly scared..

He started off by keeping tied up in a chair.. He took a big knife and cut my tights up my thigh.. I started to drip..

Then he bit my neck and rubbed his clown make-up onto the side of my face.. Ugh I fucking hate clowns!!!

He cut off my top and took the cold steal of the knife and traced my cleavage he cut my bra and out popped my titts. 

He sucked on them hard. Then he worked his way down to my panties.  Mommy phone sex Kathy2

That is when he ripped them off of me and pushed me down to the floor.

He helped me down and pushed his cock deep into my pussy.. 


I couldn’t believe how exciting this was, to watch him violate my brats and then me… IT was so amazing.. I think we might have to do this again.. before Halloween!! 



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