Jesus’s Little Angel

My dad and brothers all went on a trip to a football game…. and I couldn’t go. They said they get too distracted having me around, and it was just a “boys” weekend.  But at least I would have the house to myself. I was still bummed though, and not sure what I was going to with myself for a whole weekend. I tried the Tv, I tried watching porn, and all that did was get me torqued up and wanting some cock. But where was I going to get some…..?

I started looking through my cell phone for someone I could call for a good bang, and then someone knocked on the door. I got up, wearing just a tshirt, and answered it. It was some guy, kinda pudgy and ugly, standing there asking me if I “knew Jesus”? I laughed, having no idea what he was talking about, but I was so friggin bored that I told him to come on inand we could talk all about it. He looked thrilled and surprised and he followed me into the living room. I could feel his eyes watching the bottoms of my naked ass cheeks hanging out the back of my shirt.

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We sat on the couch and he again asked if I knew this whole Jesus thing. Ughhh. I told him that sounded boring and could we please talk about something else. He asked what and I laid back and spread my legs and his mouth hit the floor. I was wearing a hot little black thong and I saw his cock rise in his pants. I told him I bet I could get him to actually SEE Jesus today if he wanted to take my hot pussy for a spin. He reached out andbegan playing with it like he had never seen a cunt before. It was sorta cute, and the touch of a stranger got me wet as fuck.

I told him to give it a taste, and he bent his face forward and buried it in my tiny pussy. He began licking like such a good little bible thumper. He took his cock out of his pants and began stroking as he licked me to orgasm. I told him to lay back and I climbed on. I rode that guy until he was screaming for Jesus…. I guess that makes me an angel….

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