My special assignmnt

Kinky Phone Sex AimeeLet me tell you about this morning! I hate running late, and it just seems every time I am in a hurry, the further I fall behind! And just when I thought I was ready the phone rang! It was my boss! He asked if he could give me a special assignment, and of course I agreed! This would mean I could be in line for that promotion! I was super excited! I guess a new client needed some sweet company and my boss knew I was the right one for the job! And all I had to do was meet him for lunch! WHEW! I was no longer running late!
So I arrived at the restaurant and asked the host if anyone was waiting for an Aimee, and he told me that yes, but he was told to direct me to the adjoining hotel desk. That is where I found out he expected me to meet him up in his room! I was a bit excited I must admit.. but I was infuriated also! Who does this guy think he is! Well he better be rich is all I kept thinking! I am allowed to be a greedy whore :)
I lightly knocked on his room, and the door opened slightly. I called out hello and walked in. I saw a figure over by the bed, but the room was dark and I couldn’t see much. He held out his hand and instinctively I reached for it. He pulled me so quickly I didn’t really think much, I just followed along and my body knew its what I wanted. I was so turned on by the familiar way he was kissing me, I was afraid to open my eyes, but it was like his lips and hands knew every part of my body…. He whispered in my ear, and that’s when I knew.. my Brother :)
Kinky Phone Sex Aimee1

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