Kinky phone sex with the Family!

kinky phone sex kenya (4)

I know I will dread the day my little niglets grow up. Their soft skin and bodies are so succulent to me right now I’m worried about what will happen in the future. I hope that they are still into the incest and all the other kinky shit we used to do when they were younger. I will still be the horny nigger mama that loves to suck and fuck her offspring. I have given it a lot of thought and when he come of age I would love nothing more than to breed with my first born and carry my first grand because I want another little runt to be able to play with every time one of my birds leave the nest. If my boy goes out and finds the woman of his dreams I won’t care but I don’t want any ordinary bitch to give me a grandbaby. Especially not my first one! I already spoke to my boy about it and he is totally for fucking mommy until her belly has his baby in it. I will always love the feel of his young cock pumping insde of me. I hope his future wife can cope with sharing!!

kinky phone sex Kenya (4.0)

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