Naked Fun At Our Family Reunion!

 Incest Phone Sex Devon-bts

Usually I don’t like attending our family reunion’s but this years was the best. A couple of my cousins were in charge of the event and they were very secretive about the details and would not share anything with any of us. I thought it would be the same old boring meet at a nice park for a huge family picnic and then all go back to my parents home for a very boring weekend. Oh my, was I ever mistaken. They planned an entire weekend and none of it included a park or my parents house, I was so excited just to learn that much!

The family reunion weekend was finally here and we were all told to meet at my cousins house. Once there we learned she had rented a large old school bus and we all piled in having no idea where we were headed. They had covered the windows so we couldn’t see out. We were told to pack very little just spring or summer wear. We all were so curious on the drive to the location it was a continuous guessing game. Finally after a few hours in that old bus we stopped and my cousin announced we are here!

When we got out we were in front of this very hippy looking but cute hotel. As we went inside my cousins took care of the check in at the front desk. Once we all had keys and went to our rooms we couldn’t help but notice everyone was stark ass naked! Oh how exciting, they had found a nude hotel. This is going to be one fucking hot weekend and I am so excited. Then we got to our rooms and when we looked out at the view its a beach and everyone on that beach is naked! I almost creamed my panties right then and there.

We spent our family reunion weekend, naked on the beach, in the hotel, at the hotel pool, bar, everywhere we went we were all naked! I guess I don’t have to tell you as soon as the little ones and I had our morning routines and showers we were all out with the family doing our own thing, fucking, sucking, licking and cumming with everyone. It was a huge family affair that many of the other hotel guests joined in on. This was a family reunion like none other and not one of us will ever forget, how can any of us plan the next family reunion and top this one!

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