Whore it up!

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I’m not saying I am a whore, but if my pussy was a video game it would be rated “E” for everyone! … oooh wait, I guess I am saying I’m a whore! And I am whore-a-lious! A Milf like me needs more that one dick. That is why my sons cock is just not enough for me. I have fucked all of his friends. And most of his friends little brothers! I just really believe that life is to short to not live it up! Like last night. I could have snuggled down in front of the fire and read a book or watched tv. But instead I called in one of the neighbor boys who was riding by on his bike. I paid him to bring in a big pile of wood for my fire place. Then I tipped him with his first blow job. He was knocking on my door this morning asking if I needed more wood. And I could tell by the bulge in his pants he didn’t mean for my fireplace!

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