Play Date

mommy phonesex lillyThe Twins had a play date today. We usually have them over here but today I had some errands to run and they wanted to play over there. I have known the other  mom for a while and she has always seemed level headed and open minded. So I agreed.
I got a phone call in the middle of my errands that I needed to come right away and get the twins.
This woman sounded frantic, like there was an emergency, yet she assured me the twins were not injured or sick.
I rushed over and they were sitting on the couch all alone, heads down and the other little ones were no where in site.
She took me aside and began telling me that my twins needed help and that there was  hope for him. Looking at her dumb founded I listened as she rambled.
She found the twins and her little ones in the room playing house for real! “This isn’t normal you know” she kept saying over and over.
I tried to calm her down by telling her they were playing make believe and it wasn’t the end of the world.
It took everything in me not to laugh at her.
I took the twins home and held them close letting them nuzzle my breasts to feel better before we played house for real ourselves. Mickey loves having sister wives like the guy on TV.

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