Ageplay phone sex Little sister and daddies girl

 Ageplay phone sexAgeplay phone sex artist to gets you off to a dirty little sister role play!

Get that cock in your hand and let me guide you with my sweet little soft voice into a world where anything can happen. Limitless, very taboo Little whore is perfect for masturbating with!  Oh. you know I can milk you like no other! I have an idea that I think will make your dick stand right up! 

Ageplay phone sex Little sister and daddies girl

A little sister who needs a brother cock to fuck has always been a little brat, and now is your time to help her become a woman. You think you can tame her and make her stop getting in trouble.

Her grades are slipping, and you noticed some porn sites on her phone and computer. You being a teen think you need to get her cunny opened, and it will help clear her mind.

As you sneak into her bedroom and begin filling her up, a bottle rolls out from under her pillow. It is that good Liquor that dad drinks. Strange, and worrisome, as I am so young.  But that drinking will help you with your little Sister fucking! 

Greedy brother goes to pull her panties down and discovers the sister is nude, and her pussy is sticky and messy already! Who has been here fucking your bad girl sister!  Your heart races as you take in the sight of your sister’s body.

Sister Fucking after daddys used her drunk cunny

You feel a surge of jealousy and anger as you try to figure out who could have done such a thing. You decide to take matters into your own hands and punish your sister for her actions. As you line up to fuck her whiles she passed out on her belly, a booming voice encourages you! 

“Go ahead, son,” Your father encourages you. “It’s about time you took advantage of that girl cunt just like your ol man.” and he watches you fill sister Cunt up as he jerks his daddy meat!

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