Mature sexy women Tame brother cock like no other

Mature sexy womenMature sexy women tame brother’s cock like no other. I have loved my Brother Jason’s cock since I was a teenager. It seems as if I was the annoying sister until I got my tits in. But as soon as Our hormones started firing he noticed real quick.

At first, we tried to keep it to ourselves. But as time went on, the whole family knew what we were doing. The whole we don’t talk about it and pretend like it isn’t a happening scenario. But we knew people could hear me moaning on my brother’s fat dick.

Especially when the house was full of family for the holidays. And now that Im older I love slipping away and filling the house with my “please don’t stop fucking your sister’s cunt Jason!” fucking antics. I don’t even go back to bed with my husband anymore. 

That’s Sister Bellas’ Dick!!!!

Mother / Daughter phone sex comes about as my princess begins to understand sex and what a whore her mother is for brother Jason’s big fuck stick. She is starting to behave just like I did around him. Rubbing her tight little body on him asking for hugs and kissing him on the neck.

My Teen Daughter is after my brother Jason’s cock

Oh yeah, I know what she wants. These little dresses are so short that she wiggles on his lap while watching a Christmas movie. I feel so jealous as she makes moves I made with my daddy. From the kitchen, I watch as she whispers in his ear and sits facing him with her legs spread. My brother doesn’t resist her teen boy at all. That’s my dick! But I can’t stop watching. 

Mature sexy women and teens have your Genes creaming so good.

Whoops, I meant creaming in your jeans! Because my brother with his jeans down around his ankles Stood up and pushed her onto the couch in my full view! You know I slipped my hands down my panties as I locked eyes with my daughter and she reached down and began stroking my brother’s dick. I mouthed the words that cock was mine! My little bitch of a daughter said loudly “Whose dick is this mommy? I think It’s fucking mine now!!!” She thrust down on Jason’s cock and even as he knew he was busted; he still pushed into her!   He sucked her perky dicks and motioned me over. Going between us as his dick pulsed in his niece.

Bella’s tits Are her brother Jason’s tits Both mommy and Bellas’s Daughter now evidently!

I knew now I would be fighting my teen daughter over my brother’s cock..

 To be continued…. 

What would you do if you knew how much your daughter and brother-in-law liked threesomes with your hot wife? Find out soon what my husband thinks with My Next Sister fucking blog. 

P.S. Jason, I need that Brother fuck stick soon!



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