Hole Inspection

Family fuckingInspection time with daddy is so much fun. Since I am going on a date tonight and planning on getting used and seeded I knew that I needed an inspection. For those of you who don’t know what that is I am here to show you and tell you. Basically your owner bends you over or spreads your legs and exposes your holes. This happens every couple days, weeks, etc just so your owner knows if your holes are in tip top condition. 

My daddy does my inspections every few days because I am heavily sexually active and he needs to make sure my holes are up to par for whatever situation is about to occur. So during this time he bends me over and usually makes me hold my cunt lips opened or ass hole. He spanks me, opens me up, sticks his fingers in me, taste tests me, etc. Sometimes he will use toys or hole spreaders to keep me open while he looks around. He makes derogatory comments about me, humiliates me and praises me all at once; it is a very intimate time.

Sometimes he likes to just make me keep my holes spread for a while while he jerks off and puts things inside me. If my holes are up to expectation then I know I am ready to be fucked. If not he disciplines me depending on the issue/condition of my holes. Usually that means getting my ass hole dry fucked or my throat used until I puke. That also means I cannot cum for a while either because I am a dirty bitch and can’t keep my holes pretty enough to be allowed to cum. Thankfully I passed this inspection and got rewarded with a load on my face and piss down my throat!

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